Make sure closing costs don’t take you by surprise by reviewing a few of the most common closing costs and ways you can limit them.

Whether you’re hoping to buy a house in 2019 or just want to make the most of your income, now is the time to set concrete financial goals for the new year.

How much of a down payment do you really need to buy a home? Saving up a down payment is […]

If you can’t get a mortgage, here’s how a cosigner might make it possible for you to buy a home.

Did you know that a seller’s FHA loan can be assumed by the buyer? Here’s how it works.

If you’re self-employed, getting a mortgage is a little different. Here’s what you need to know.

When you get a mortgage, complicated words and terms get thrown out all over the place. It’s really helpful if you know what some of the most common mortgage terms mean.

Thinking of buying a home with someone else? Having someone apply for a loan with you changes everything. Make sure you know how this will affect your ability to buy.

Do you know much it actually costs to maintain a home? You might be surprised at the answer.

Here’s everything you need to know about what home inspectors look at and what kinds of additional inspections you may want to get when you’re buying a home.