A hot meal. A fresh pair of socks. A warm bed to sleep in. These are all basic needs that many in the United States struggle with. Here are some charities that are coming to the rescue.

Veterans Day is just around the corner, and your city will have several events where you can give back and honor those who have dedicated their lives to this country. Here are a few ways to honor our veterans on Veterans Day and beyond.

Americans are generous people and there are many great charitable organizations across the country that work hard to take care of the poor, hungry, and homeless among us. You can contribute at the local level through a church or other charitable group, but there are also national organizations that need human power throughout the holiday season.

Want to support a children’s charity but don’t know which one to support? Read through these six incredible charities to see which one (or more than one!) you want to help out with your hard-earned money.

Thinking of doing some spring cleaning? Make more of an impact by donating some items to nonprofits in need! Read on if you want to know which items you can help with!